Written by the members of the English Language Club, students: Anisija Mavroska, Antonij Koleski, Marija Sekoska, Anastasija Stankoska, Marija Jakovleska, under the mentorship of teacher Elizabeta Volnaroska.
Municipal secondary school ,,Gjorce Petrov” is located at ,,Oktomvriska” bb, near the general hospital ,,Borka Taleski”-Prilep.
It’s a vocational school with numerous vocations and education profiles. Students are educated by a skilled team including the principal, highly skilled teachers and the pedagogy and psychology experts. Theoretical studies are held in computer equipped classrooms and practical training in modern salons, cabinets, at the general hospital “Borka Taleski”, the Health Protection institute, clothing manufacturing companies ,,Zalfija’’ and ,,Kuli’’, ,,De-ni mebell’’, Marble Company and other.
Our school has a modern sports center built in accordance with the highest standards equipped for school classes, as well as municipal and state inter school competitions.
The career center in our school is an USAID donation and a place where students can learn how to compete at the labour market. The career center is run by skilled teachers who have already finished the training for preparing the students for employment as well as employment itself.
The school library is one of the latest projects, a place where students can find vocational study materials and numerous classical and contemporary literature. Students can spend part of their free time there but also it is a place where inter school competitions in reciting are held.
SOU “Gjorce Petrov” offers the following vocations and education profiles:
I Medical Vocation
Education Profiles:
- A nurse
- Physiotherapy Technician
- Pharmaceutical Laboratory Technician
II Personal Services
Education Profiles:
- Cosmetic Technician
- Hairdresser
III Textile and Leather Vocation
Education Profiles:
- Clothing Technician
IV Forestry and Woodprocessing Vocation
Education Profiles:
- Furniture and interior design technician
V Geology and Mining Vocation
Education Profiles:
- Geology and Mining Technician
The profile Nurse is of four years duration, and during the education, students acquire knowledge of general education subjects, vocational subjects, practical training and skills. That way, students acquire special responsibility about patients’ care and health, they acquire knowledge about the general principles and rules about being a nurse, as well as all of their roles, and the correct attitude towards patients. After graduation students leave school as professional nurses, who can be employed in health institutions,in the primary, secondary and tertiary health care. They can also continue their education at any university, but primarily at the medical science universities. The practice lessons start in the second year of education and they take place in specially equipped cabinets from the domain of medicine, and then at the general hospital “Borka Taleski” –Prilep. Students also visit the hospice “Kiro Krsteski – Platnik” in Prilep, as well as other private or public health institutions around Macedonia, which are valuable experiences for the students. The collective practice is mandatory for the second and third year students and it takes place during the summer break for a period of twenty working days, and its purpose is better training of students for their future profession.
The profile Physiotherapy Technician, was established in 2012. During the four years of education, students acquire knowledge of general education subjects, vocational subjects, practical training and skills for:
- use of all types of therapy in rehabilitation (thermal, electrotherapy, mechanical, Chinese etc.);
- handling, care and maintenance of machines, instruments and materials they work with;
- work with disabled people;
- work with families of disabled people;
- implementation of measures for protection and promotion of human health.
The practical training is conducted in specially equipped cabinets at the school and at the physiotherapy premises at the PHI “BorkaTaleski” – Prilep. The collective practice is mandatory after finishing the second and the third year of education for a period of twenty working days.
The profile Pharmaceutical Laboratory Technician was established in 2007. During the 4 year studies, students acquire knowledge of general education subjects, vocational subjects, practical training and skills. After graduation students can work as pharmaceutical technicians at a pharmacy, laboratory or to continue their education at university. The practical training starts in the second year of education. It is conducted in a laboratory and a cabinet equipped with the necessary instruments and appliances. As part of the laboratory there is an improvised pharmacy where students are shown all the medicines they study about in the theoretical education. The students in the fourth year of education conduct practical training at a private pharmacy. Through the practical training students acquire the following skills:
- Working with laboratory instruments;
- Preparation of reagents and solutions;
- Searching in and using the Pharmacopoeia;
- Identification, determination of purity of compounds and their application;
- Making magistral preparations for external use;
- Signature of preparations;
- Microscopic and macroscopic identification of drugs etc;
Practical training is compulsory after finishing second and third year of education at private pharmacies, for a period of 20 working days.
The profile Cosmetic Technician was established in 1997 and it’s of four years duration. The curriculum includes theoretical and practical training. Theoretical studies include general and vocational subjects related to this vocation which introduce students to the basic principles of a cosmetic technician, offering good customer service, and satisfying clients’ needs. Practical training includes: depilation, massage, nails upgrade, pedicure, manicure, etc. with the purpose of developing students’ skills. Practical training is conducted in a well-equipped cabinet at the school and there are also visitations to professional cosmetic studios. After graduation students can start their own business, opening a cosmetic studio or they can continue their studies at any university in the country. Cosmetic technicians present their knowledge and skills at different events at the school and outside the school, as:
- Fashion shows organized by the school;
- March 8th – International Women’s Day;
- Activities for the School Patron Jubilee;
- Presenting the school in town;
- Activities organized during the New Year’s holidays;
The profile Hairdresser was established in 1997. Ever since future professionals in this field are trained here. This profile consist of theoretical and practical training. Trough the study of general education and vocational subjects, students acquire knowledge about good working communication, learning about clients’ needs, the basics of hairdressing, the application of the materials, etc. For their future job as professional hairdressers, they attend practical training which takes place at the school hairdressing saloon equipped with all necessary apliances and materials. With the practical training, the students are enabled to express their creativity by performing various hair treatments and hair-styles under the guidance of professional teachers from the school. The profile hairdresser is of three years duration, after which students can pursue a career in a hairdressing salon or they can open their own, but they can also continue education at a hairdressing academy. Students can demonstrate their knowledge and skills by participating in various humanitarian activities on the occasion of:
-March 8th – International Women’s Day;
-The New Year’s Holidays;
-Participation in the fashion show organized by the school
-Participation in the event “Days of Crafts”
-Participation in competitions organized by the Hairdresser’s Association, and other.
The profile Clothing Technician is of four years duration and enables students to acquire knowledge in the field of clothing technology. The lectures are held by highly qualified vocational teachers. The theoretical study takes place in a classroom, and the practical training takes place in the workshop owned by the school which is equipped with all the necessary clothing and sewing-machines to fully enable the students to compete in the labor market. After finishing secondary school, students can continue their studies in the same direction, or they can continue their studies in various other directions.
The profile Furniture and interior design techician of the Forestry and Woodprocessing Vocation was established several years ago. Practical training is conducted in a special workshop equipped with machines needed for furniture manufacturing. The vocational subjects highly enable students for future independent work. Students are responsible for decorating and modernizing the interior of our school. Also students have participated in numerous projects and activities. Every year they participate at the Furniture Fair in Skopje where they present more modernized and more creative achievements of their profession. This profile is of four year duration and after graduating students can continue their studies at Furniture and Interior Design and Techology as well as other studies.
The profile Geology and Mining Technician is needed in a country beacause of the population as well as the workers. Classes are held by skilled professors and engineers in that field. A suitable space and a mine where students will perform their practical training is being constructed. As part of our school there is a cabinet where students perform part of their practical training by designing and calculating. Summer practical training is conducted factories of the area selected by the student.After graduating students can work as geology technicians, mining technicians, designers at a cadastral office or start their own business. Students can continue their studies at the Mining and Geology faculty in our town. This profession is very rare in our country and therefore workers from the area are needed.
Municipal secondary school ‘’Gorce Petrov’’ has recorded numerous results in inter school, municipal, state and international competitions in sport, knowledge, skills, creativity, etc.
Also, organizer of inter school sports competitions, reciting, literary creation, etc. On November 2nd, the day when we celebrate the patron of the school there is a special event where students express their knowledge, skills, talents etc.
At the end of each school year, there is a fashion show organized by the school which is held outdoors in the city center and it is a real attraction.
We constantly carry out new projects in the interest of our employees and students.
As a result, in 2012 the Council of the Municipality of Prilep granted the Third November Award – a plaque, and in 2013 our school was declared the most sports active school in the country.
Municipal secondary school „Gorce Petrov“ – Prilep
Street. Oktomvriska bb Prilep
Phone no. 048-426-772, 048-423-506